Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Love& Misadventure by Lang Leav

Poet : Lang Leav
Title: Love& Misadventure
Date published: August 2013
Publication: Andrews McMeel Publishing
GMD: Ebook.
Pages: 89

Its a compilation of poetry by Lang Leav based on love, betrayal and heartbreaks.So Khamsi Abdullah I do think this will suit your taste more than me. (if, you enjoy english poetry-lah... haha) . 

I know about Lang Leav from Gobokairina. I love poetry but mostly poems that I read either from secondary school or some Google search, purely a form of personal pleasure.Hey, I am not that sort of 'deep' person myself. Enjoying this kind of loose (short and easy to understand) poetry was kinda cool! Feel like Robert Frost ...Shakespeare, to be or not to be~

    “Do you love me?” I ask.    
In your hesitation I found my answer.

There are 76+ poems in this small book. There are three parts, .All short-lived poems, with rhyme and no rhyme, some have ridiculous issue, but a good poetry is about honesty and the best one reflect your feeling right? So, I think Lang Leav has that in mind of all her poems. (if this considered as poem)

There few pieces that I like. Including two that I mentioned here...

A Betrayal
I cannot undo
what I have done;

I can't un-sing
a song that's sung.

And the saddest thing
about my regret—

I can't forgive me,
and you can't forget.

After knowing the name (Lang Leav) I search her immediately. Wow! She's famous. Even while reading this last month, my old school mate shares a snippet LL in her page. I bet she doesn't knows who LL or heard any of LL works except sharing her infamous poetry quote. But who knows...maybe I'm the only one left behind.

I heard Kinokuniya sold this book. So, goodluck!


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  1. Hehehe..insyaAllah. Will find one. :) Thanks though siap mention bagai. Saje!

    1. sangat mahal? berapa ratus Soleh?

    2. taklah sampai ratus.Harga kat kinokuniya sini. Sebab buku ni nipis dan isinya~.Tp nak beli boleh je

    3. Owh..boleh tahan. Hmm..tapi kena tengok dulu dekat sana.

  2. Tak abih baca novel baru lagi ke?

    1. Tak. Banyak pending...lagipun dah sepertiga akhir ni kan, kena insafi diri. mana tau dapat pahala 1000 bulan. Eceh, bajet alim~ ;)

    2. Bukan bajet alim. We should. Tu peluang y Tuhan bagi. Jumpa lepas raya insyaAllah.


Thanks for reading.