Monday, November 24, 2014

Review: #WahaiMelayu by Anas Zubedy

Writer: Anas Zubedy
Publisher: Zubedy Ideahouse Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur
Price: RM 24.90 buy from MPH

The book is entitled #WahaiMelayu: Allah Tak Akan Ubah Nasib Melayu,Kalau Kita Melayu Tak Nak Ubah Diri Kita Sendiri. This bi-language (Malay – English) book is by Anas Zubedy and foreward by Tun Mahathir Mohamad.

Pertama sekali, jangan idamkan wang mudah. Bila kita buat wang mudah, kita rasa seolah-olah kita dah berjaya tapi sebenarnya tidak. Kita hanya syok sendiri. -petikan dari buku.
How I get this book.
I received this book from my (ex)boss as a light reading material one evening. She was having lunch at Hilton and came across the book launch event and bought it for RM20 . Anas Zubedy was among her favourite Penang-born writer (she's from Penang!). Thanks to her I'm reading this book.

First thing I did before reading this book was searching the infamous Anas Zubedy in Google. Impressive background, I thought. 

Its a small book collecting all the motivational phrase particularly for Malays in Malaysia. I think this book also suits all but since it says #wahaiMelayu, its audience narrowed down a bit. It's bilingual so even those who thought their english is better than bahasa malaysia can understand. There will be other books on #wahaiCina or  #wahaiIndia  upcoming, from what she heard. Positive thoughts from Anas Zubedy for Malays to reflect themselves. 

Even if we consist of majority in Malaysia are a bit lack in every aspect especially economy. Anas writes lots entrepreneurship tips with the hope that people will change Malays way of living and thinking .

Good point is that this book is less word but have strong sense of justice& motivation. It is not only sweet talk but also a book to knock some sense into you (read: me).

One thing I hate about this book is the book cover. Phrase, 'don't judge a book by its cover' has really negative effect on creativity of most of our publication industry. First impression really help for this kind of book.


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