Thursday, January 16, 2020

Review: To Sir Phillip, With Love (Bridgertons, #5)

I found this family tree online, just for my reference if one day I'll need to refer back to the book characters. I wonder, if some day Oliver and Amanda will get their own stories. I love those kids so much.

Through this book, I've discovered a new book rental near my office. I make my resolution this year I will bring myself to the shop. (If it still exist-lah)

I bought the book myself on early 2018, though I've read the book around 2017. My love for the Bridgerton series become my motivation for collecting the book. Since the Duke and I will be in Netflix, we'll need to wait for a while to see Eloise and Sir Philip Crane.

I find Eloise the most daring among the Bridgerton's sister. Who will just dash out to the countryside and finding her man, in that particular time and setting? I couldn't. I would not jump into that kind of situation, she's really brave. Sir Philip is a botanist and that reminds me of my mother. She adores plants. I've been to a lot of greenhouse, I'm eager to see the kind of greenhouse in 18th century. Also excited about the setting, they have ponds which Amanda and Oliver love to go, also the place where their mother suicide. The twins attempts to send her away was very wicked but she manage to outwit them. Having seven siblings sure brings good experiences. Reading someone outsmart kids, is like watching The Pacifier, replace the bald guy with Eloise. That's one of my favourite movie and I love young human. They'll say whatever in their heart. Moreover, this is the only book in JQ series with the most kid involvement in present time in it. In other book in the series, kids always mention in the past (as Simon's past) or just in the background.

When Eloise's scheme running away to the country had been found out by her brother's, Anthony and Colin didn't straight away marry her to the fellow. They have strong love for their sister. In other way, she'll have her say in it, thank god, at the moment she's already in love with Sir Philip, despite his overbearing ways. That scene was also very entertaining. There's a lot of good memories in the book, but I can't recall straight away. I'll read it again some other time since I've the paper book copy now.

I need to start working now. Adios.



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